
  1. D. Leiner, Regulationsmedizin in Theorie und Praxis, Band 1 und 2 , Lehrbuch zur elektronischen Systemdiagnostik, ML- Verlag Translation: Regulation- medicine in theory and practice, Volume 1 and 2, textbooks for the electronic system diagnostics, D. Leiner, ML-publishing house, main book for EAV, Electroacupuncture according to Voll
  2. R. Schmitt, S. Homm, Handbuch Antiaging und Prävention, Kilian- Verlag
  3. B.Weber, Wissenschaftliche Studien zur EAV, 1997, ZÄN –Zeitschrift, ML- Verlag Scientific studies on EAV, 1997, ZÄN Magazine, ML-Verlag
  4. B. Weber, C. Weber, Chronisch krank was tun?, CoMed- Verlag, Patientenratgeber Elektroakupunktur nach Voll (engl. Version im Netz kostenlos) Chronically ill do what?, CoMed-Verlag, patient guide EAV (English version on the net for free, second edition 2013)
  5. B. Weber, Herz-Kreislaufstudie, Laborwerte quantenphysikalisch messen, Herz-Kreislaufstudie TimeWaver ZAEN-Magazin 1 / 2011 B. Weber cardiovascular study, laboratory values measured by quantum physics, cardiovascular study TimeWaver ZAEN magazine 1/2011
  6. B. Weber, Herz-Kreislaufstudie, Laborwerte quantenphysikalisch messen, CoMed 4/2010 B. Weber cardiovascular study, laboratory values measured by quantum physics, CoMed 4/2010
  7. B. Weber, Die europäische Akupunktur (R)evolution Fünf Jahrzehnte Elektroakupunktur nach Voll (EAV) CoMED 2 2006 Bernhard Weber The European Acupuncture (R) evolution Five decades of electro-acupuncture according to Voll (EAV) CoMed 2 2006
  8. Prof. H. Heine, „Systemische Komponenten der Entstehung der Arteriosklerose „Arteriosklerose als chronische Entzündung“ (Geriatrie Journal 2005; 8: 40-60) Prof. H. Heine, "Systemic components of the development of atherosclerosis," Atherosclerosis as chronic inflammation "(Geriatrics Journal 2005; 8: 40-60)
  9. Dale Kiefer, SOD + Granatapfel Kombination: Atherosclerosis is regressed LE Magazine July 2007 ( Live extension ) Title Reversing Atherosclerosis Naturally, Intima Media controls
  10. Kjell Benson, B.A. und J. Hartz, M.D., Ph.D. The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 342, 25, Jun 22, 2000, 1878-1886. Evidence based medicine not better than casereports
  11. M. Schmieke, Die Physik des Bewusstseins, Radionik- Schnittstelle zwischen Geist und Materie, raum&zeit, 12. Ehlers- Verlag, Die physikalischen Grundlagen der TimeWavermessung
  12. Schmieke M., The Physics of Consciousness, Radionics as interface between mind and matter, space and time, 12 Ehlers-Verlag, The physical principles of TimeWaver measurment
  13. B.Weber, Arteriosklerose Rückbildung naturheilkundlich möglich. Patientenratgeber 128 Seiten. BoD- Verlag Neumünster B.Weber, atherosclerosis regression naturopathic possible. Patient Guide 128 pages. BoD Publishing Neumünster (German)

Dr. med. Bernhard Weber, Marburg,,

Our guide for patients: Chronic Illness What to do? 120 pages

Later we will give texts to:

  1. Allergy, asthma, eczema and food intolerances
  2. Atherosclerosis, cholesterol (homocysteine and obesity)
  3. Chronic fatigue / Sleep disturbances
  4. Depression
  5. Joint pain and rheumatism
  6. Hair loss
  7. Herpes simplex cold sores; Herpes zoster
  8. Heart rhythm disturbances / Hypotension (low blood pressure)
  9. Hormonal disorders / infertility / male menopause
  10. Incontinence, dribbing, enuresis, nocturia (the need to get up in the night to urinate)
  11. Chronic diseases in children
  12. Migraine and headache
  13. Multiple Sclerosis / Nerve / restlesss legs syndrome (RLS), the new therapy
  14. Fungal diseases, chronic / internal diseases
  15. Tinnitus
  16. Heavy metal legacies, Mercury, Palladium
  17. Dry eye syndrome
  18. Cancer